Making a Compliment or Complaint

Commending Exceptional Performance

The best way to commend the actions of an East Hartford Police Officer is to write a brief letter describing the incident and the actions you think were exceptional. Information such as the date, time, and location will help identify the employee if you do not know his or her name. If you chose not to write, you may ask to speak with the individual’s supervisor and make a verbal commendation.

Commendations received by the Chief of Police are forwarded to the employee with a copy placed in his or her personnel file. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated. This kind of feedback helps us to know if we are doing a good job.

The East Hartford Police Department is committed to providing the best service possible. Citizen comments are essential.

Making an Inquiry or Complaint

An inquiry or complaint can be made in person (verbally or written), by telephone (includes TTY or TDD), mail, facsimile, electronically (email), anonymously, and/or by third party.  Also, East Hartford Police Department Citizen Complaint Forms are available at the East Hartford Public Safety Complex, the East Hartford Town Hall, and on this website. Any East Hartford Police Supervisor or Officer may accept an initial inquiry or complaint against personnel, procedure, or policies. If the inquiry or complaint is against a police department employee, we recommend that you contact that employee’s Commanding Officer. If the Commanding Officer is not available, you may contact the on-duty supervisor. The supervisor will ensure that your inquiry or complaint is directed to the proper authority.

If your inquiry or complaint appears to be based on a misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge of acceptable or desired conduct, procedures, or practices, the East Hartford Police Department Officer may offer an explanation. If you are not satisfied with their explanation, you may insist on speaking with the officer’s supervisor.

Please be prepared to provide the date, time, and location of the event; the names of the East Hartford officers involved (if known), and the name, address, and telephone number of any possible witnesses.

Citizen’s Guide to Making Complaints, Inquiries and Commendations

ComplaGuía de los ciudadanos para presentar querellas, consultas y condecoraciones

East Hartford Police Department Misconduct Investigations Policy

Citizen Complaint Form

Formulario De Querella Ciudadano

Investigation Procedure

Once your inquiry or complaint is received, it will be thoroughly investigated by a person designated by the Chief of Police. The investigation will usually include a review of any applicable reports, policies and procedures, examination of any evidence or medical records, and interviews with all parties and witnesses. A simple inquiry might take only a day to complete, while a complex complaint might take various months to investigate and review. East Hartford internal investigations and administrative inquiries must be completed within 90 days unless extended by the Chief of Police because of extenuating circumstances.

The Chief of Police reviews every inquiry and complaint, to include any investigative findings. If the Chief determines that an employee violated department policy or procedures, appropriate corrective action is taken. The Chief’s review will also include looking for ways to improve policies, procedures, and training.

Contact Information

Watch Commander
East Hartford Police Department
31 School Street
East Hartford, CT 06108-2638
(860) 528-4401


Office of Professional Standards
East Hartford Police Department
31 School Street
East Hartford, CT 06108-2638
(860) 528-4401 Ext. 7552