EHPD Youth Basketball Program Hosts a Guest Player

youth bball

For the past six weeks officers of the East Hartford Police Department and local youth were seen at local basketball courts mastering their skills and building strong community relationships as part of the second annual Youth Basketball Program. The EHPD held its last basketball game on Aug. 2 that drew dozens of children to the basketball court along with a special guest—Kevin “Showboat” Jackson, a Harlem Globetrotting Triksterz Basketball Player.

“Showboat” has traveled all over the world with a few of his Globetrotter Basketball friends, as well as a DJ, and put on Spectacular Entertainment Basketball shows.  “Showboats Entertainment Basketball” is a youth mentoring, comedic basketball and skill building clinic that encourages neighbors to come out of their homes and into their community, sharing a message of hope and resilience for children to stay in school, make good choices, and do good for others. 

“We enjoyed a presentation and on-court activities with basketball star Kevin “Showboat” Jackson, played a couple very competitive scrimmages, and enjoyed a pizza lunch courtesy of Roma Restaurant & Pizzeria,” said Lt. Joshua Litwin.

According to Litwin, the East Hartford Police Department began its Youth Basketball Program last year with the goal to build strong and positive relationships between the East Hartford youth, local police officers and the community through a fun engagement. This year, the program started on June 21 and ran weekly on Thursdays. The program is designed for East Hartford children that completed grades 5-8 and were looking to learn and/or master their basketball skills. During the games, the staff, made up of East Hartford Police Officers, focused on individual and team fundamental skills, while emphasizing the importance of teamwork, respect, attention to detail, effective communication, and knowledge of the game – with the overall goal of having fun, and getting to know police officers in town.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Youth Basketball Program and hope to see everyone back next year!