EHPD Warns Residents About Fraudulent Activities

scam alert East Hartford

The East Hartford Police Department has been informed about solicitors in Town utilizing aggressive marketing tactics and misrepresenting themselves as Eversource employees. EHPD reminds everyone to beware and recognize such frauduluent tactics and techniques. Please be aware, that Eversource will never go door-to-door to discuss your Eversource bill or energy supply options. If something seems suspicious, call Eversource immediately toll-free at 800-286-2000, and be sure to notify police.

Please review this guide to familiarize yourself with key information to consumers and community leaders on: (1) the types of impostor utility scams that are occurring across the country (phone, in-person, and internet); (2) tips to avoid scams that individuals can use and share with their communities; and (3) names and contact information for the entities and organizations that may be called upon in case someone becomes a victim of an impostor scam.

Additionally, please view this video, prepared by Eversource to learn how to recognize aggressive energy marketing tactics.