Coffee With a Cop

Saturday, June 1; 9 AM to 11 AM
coffee with a cop

The next East Hartford Police "Coffee with a Cop"  takes place from 09:00AM to 11:00AM on Saturday, June 1st at East Hartford’s newest Dunkin’ location and Next Generation Store:  639 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut.  All are welcome.

Since 2016, the East Hartford Police Department has hosted a regular program designed to bring police officers and the community members they serve together – over coffee – to discuss issues and learn more about each other.  No agenda, no speeches.  Talk with police about your neighborhood, ask questions, share concerns, or stop by just to chat. 

“We recognize Community Policing as a framework for establishing trust between the community and the police,” said Police Chief Scott Sansom.  “Events like these have proven successful in bringing police officers and the community members they serve together in a relaxed, non-emergency setting, and get to know each another,” Sansom added.  “Stop by and see us on Saturday morning, everyone is welcome.” 

The Coffee With A Cop program is recognized worldwide for building community trust and partnership.  In a short time, Citizens and police officers get to know each other and discover mutual goals for the communities they live in and serve.  Chief Sansom and the East Hartford Police Department encourage everyone to stop by.