Consider Donating Life This April

donate life

April is recognized as National Donate Life Month, which is a national campaign that highlights the importance of organ donation not only in East Hartford but across the country. Additionally, the month of April commemorates those who have given the gift of life through organ and tissue donation.  This April marks the 16th annual National Donate Life Month. With that being said, I would like to encourage residents to make a lifesaving decision and consider becoming an organ donor by joining the Organ Donation Registry. In addition to organ donation, tissue donations also help over one million individuals each year, by giving recipients a new chance at a healthy and prolonged life.

On Wednesday, April 10 at 11 AM, I will join advocates, organ donation recipients and the public at the Town Hall to honor those in our community who have been touched by organ and tissue donation and transplantation. During the ceremony, we will raise the Donate Life Flag in front of the Town Hall to increase awareness about the importance of organ donation and to encourage residents to register as organ donors.

In Connecticut, the campaign is sponsored by Life Choice Donor Services and Donate Life Connecticut. This project, inspired by Flags Across America, encourages workplaces, hospitals and municipalities to raise the flag together to demonstrate support for donors, recipients and their families. I hope you will join me at the Town Hall on April 10 to learn more about the impact of organ and tissue donation. There is a dire need for organ donation and our community can make a sizable difference by saving numerous lives. Currently, 58 percent of the United States’ adult population are registered organ and tissue donors. However, this percentage is significantly below the number of people in need of transplants. According to the New England Donor Services, over 114,000 people are waiting for a transplant and a second chance at life. On average, 22 people die daily due to the lack of organ donation. In Connecticut, over 1,170 people are currently waiting for an organ transplant, while countless others are in need of tissues, such as skin, heart valves, tendons and corneas. The only and most effective way to improve this statistics and save lives is by registering to become an organ donor.

There are a number of ways to become an organ donor. The easiest way is to indicate it on your drivers’ license when you renew it at the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicle. For additional ways to register as an organ donor please visit