“We Were There: Writing Your Military Experiences” Program at the East Hartford Public Library

November 7 at 6:30 PM
military stories

East Hartford, CT—The East Hartford Public Library will be hosting “We Were There: Writing Your Military Experiences” program on November 7, 2019 at 6:30 pm. The event will be held in Meeting Room 1 in the Lower Level of the Library.

The Russell Library Veterans' Writing Group in Middletown has been meeting and writing stories of their incredible experiences for several years now. They are being published by En Route Publishing in 2019.

Come get a sneak peek ahead of time of this fascinating book and listen to the true stories from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.

The Veterans from all the branches of service, and from multiple conflicts will tell their stories, and answer questions about their time in service.

The group is led by Old Saybrook-native Elisabeth Petry. Her first book, a collection of letters that she edited, titled Can Anything Beat White?: A Black Family's Letters. Her second book is titled At Home Inside: A Daughter’s Tribute to Ann Petry. Petry lives in Middletown with her husband, Lawrence Riley, who is a dog trainer and Commander of the American Legion Milardo-Wilcox Post 75, Middletown CT.

This event highlights the contributions and stories of veterans and their service to our country.

The program is suitable for adults and older teens. Veterans from all conflicts and branches of the service are highly encouraged to attend.