After the Armistice: A Town Remembers its World War 1 Veterans

Event Date: 
Saturday, January 19, 2019 - 1:30pm

East Hartford Public Library will host local historian Tom Hogan on Saturday, January 19 at 1:30 p.m. who will speak about the demobilization and return of the soldiers from East Hartford, the welcome home celebrations and parades in Hartford and East Hartford, and how prominent veterans helped build a community after the war as they continued their service.

We will also learn about artifacts and monuments relevant to this period of history, the collecting and preserving of these artifacts by groups and organizations in East Hartford, and the building of and celebrating the Doughboy memorial on the library grounds. Please register online or by calling the reference desk: 860-290-4331.

The East Hartford Public Library is located at 840 Main St., East Hartford.