EHPL eliminates late fees

No more late fees on library materials

Effective July 1, 2023, the East Hartford Public Library (EHPL) will go fine-free, joining with public libraries across the country in a movement to reduce barriers to library access.

What does this mean for borrowers? 

  • Library items will still have due dates. Please bring your books and movies back on time so that other residents may enjoy them.
  • We will continue to charge replacement fees for lost and damaged items.
  • A bill for the replacement cost of overdue items will be generated automatically once an item is four weeks overdue. However, as soon as you return the item, the bill will be canceled and no fines will remain on your card.
  • We will remove old late fees from your account. Have EHPL fines blocking your card? Check in with us, and we'll remove them. 
  • Please note that our fine-free status only applies to East Hartford items. If you check out an item belonging to another library (example: item borrowed through a system hold) at EHPL, you'll be charged fines based on the policy of the loaning library. 

EHPL has not charged late fees since March 2020 as a temporary pandemic response, so nothing will change about our current practices: we're just making it official.

Come see us at the library! Visit us at Raymond Library (840 Main Street, East Hartford) or Wickham Memorial Library (656 Burnside Avenue, East Hartford) during library open hours to browse our excellent collections. We have something for everyone at East Hartford Public Library.