Community input requested!

Libraries Without Borders community survey
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East Hartford is one of six communities across the state participating in a project with the CT State Library and Libraries Without Borders to build trust and grow habits that ultimately help connect new users to permanent resources available through their local public library. 

Through their work, Libraries Without Borders assists people experiencing challenges caused by the digital divide, communities living in book deserts, and those who, for various reasons, do not feel comfortable accessing their local libraries. Creative solutions employed by Libraries Without Borders may include building intentionally temporary library satellites in community spaces; those locations could be anywhere from laundromats to apartment complexes to grocery store parking lots to community centers. To develop a plan for East Hartford, the first phase of the project is a community assessment, including a survey.

By sharing this survey, we hope to gain a wide perspective on the East Hartford community. We want to hear from regular library visitors, community members who have never been to the library -- and everyone in between. If you're part of an organized group like a club, board or commission, faith community, or sports team, please share the survey with your group. The survey is offered in English and Spanish, and doesn't take long. Paper copies are available at the Raymond Library (840 Main St.) during library open hours. 

Click here for Libraries Without Borders survey.