Speak Your Truth, Pursue Your Dreams and Serve Others on Martin Luther King Jr. Day


On Monday, January 20th, our nation will once again honor the life and work of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.—a man of deep and abiding faith and dedication.

It’s been almost 57 years since Martin Luther King Jr. spoke passionately about a simple, yet powerful dream of a world with equality and justice for all, regardless of race, religion, education, status or age. He stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, sharing his dream with 250,000 people, hoping that one day we would overcome racial injustices, giving way for freedom and justice across the nation. If he were alive today, I think Dr. Martin Luther King would have been proud of the progress that has been made toward the realization of his dream, but there is still much to be done.

Martin Luther King preached kindness and hope, and challenged all to live up to the ideals, enshrined in our founding documents—that we are all equal and endowed with absolute rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. He preached for a world where everyone had the ability to achieve their dreams through hard work and perseverance. His teachings of respect and community service are relevant today more than ever.

In addition to honoring the memory of Martin Luther King, January 20 will also mark the 25th anniversary of the national day of volunteer service, encouraging all to dedicate their time and efforts for the benefit of their community. Dr. King once said: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” In his memory, I urge you to spend the day volunteering in your community, helping your neighbor and spreading kindness and love.

As we remember and honor Dr. King, I encourage you to reflect on the importance of giving back to your community, and recommit yourself to his standards and the legacy that lives on, while facing challenges that remain.