Congratulations Class of 2020!

east hartford graduation

Each year, as spring turns to summer, East Hartford students of all ages graduate from high schools and colleges, starting new adventures. 

This year, your year will be remembered. Traditions have had to be set aside and the world seems distant and upside down. This year will go into the history books as a year that changed the world and your class of 2020 will be the generation to redefine it.

To all the graduates, I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations on your achievements, my best wishes for your future endeavors, and a few words of encouragement during these unprecedented times, as you prepare to embark on new paths of exploration and achievement. As you begin a new chapter, your class has been handed an opportunity to turn things right side up with new order and greater purpose that brings new ways of working, more opportunities, equity and change to the world as we presently know it.

So think beyond yourselves. This world is full of people who think of themselves first and fail to understand that we all have a responsibility to ourselves, our family and to one another. In our connected world imagine the intentional good that one thoughtful moment might be able to produce.  If more people had the imagination, the will and the awareness to pursue it, we might accomplish good at a scale and significance unmatched in our history.

Be resilient and adapt to the shifting world. Resilience isn’t about putting up walls and staying still. Resilience is about moving and using your challenges and fear as a springboard on which to leap from adversity into a new opportunity. It isn’t about being fearless; it’s about taking courageous leaps, rather than getting trapped in paralysis. The fear that naturally comes with adversity is a signal that you’re standing in front of an opportunity.

Remain true to your core values. Your life will be immeasurably enriched by the new connections you will make and the new experience and new ideas to encounter. Your values are your personal inventory of what you consider most important in life, safeguard and hold firm on them. They will always be your internal compass.

While traditions, celebrations and graduations may not part of your transitions, the administration and Board of Education have strived to make your graduation meaningful while ensuring the health and safety of all. 

If your next steps are taking you to new places, exploring new opportunities, or deepening your roots in East Hartford; whether you are entering the workforce, joining the Armed Forces, or continuing your education, I wish you the very best.

So even though we can’t have all the pomp because of the circumstances, it should never diminish the personal pride and satisfaction you should feel on your great achievement.

Congratulations Class of 2020 on your accomplishments!