One Act of Kindness

On Tuesday night November 18th, at a meeting of the East Hartford Town Council, Mayor Marcia Leclerc, Chief of Police Scott Sansom and Youth Services Director Cephus Nolen recognized Police Officer Ken Sullivan and 8th grade student Erin Nurse with this month's Charter Oak Club awards.

Off. Sullivan performed the Heimlich Manuever on Youth Services Facilitator Alton Williams during an Adventure Plus program at the middle school on October 17th. Twelve students witnessed Off. Sullivan save a life as they watched. Three hours after the incident, Erin phoned Youth Services to check on the welfare of the program facilitator. Knowing Al for less than a day, Erin displayed empathy in her phone call to our office.

Acts of kindness occur throughout our community on a daily basis. Thanks to the most recent members of the Charter OAK Club.