National Night Out


The Town of East Hartford will join communities nationwide for “America’s Night Out Against Crime.” The event will take place on Tuesday, August 7, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the East Hartford Public Safety Complex, located at 31 School Street.

East Hartford Police Chief Scott Sansom and the East Hartford Police Department are proud to announce that neighborhoods throughout East Hartford are invited to join forces with over 38.5 million people in more than 16,500 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world for the “National Night Out” crime prevention event. 

The purpose of the event is to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and send a message that neighborhoods are fighting back any crime.

As part of the event, from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 7th, residents throughout East Hartford and across the nation are asked to spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. This ‘town wide block party’ will take place at the East Hartford Public Safety Complex, 31 School Street, East Hartford, and will include displays and presentations from the East Hartford Police Department, East Hartford Fire Department, East Hartford Youth Services, American Red Cross, and more.  Some of the highlights of the evening include a police K-9 demonstration, equipment presentations, bounce house, dunk tank, give-a-ways, music, activities, photo booth, and even a visit from McGruff the Crime Dog. 

“’National Night Out’ is another great opportunity to bring police and the community we protect and serve together under positive circumstances,” said Chief Sansom.  “It brings back a true sense of community, and it is fun for the whole family.  Everyone is welcome.”

For more information call the East Hartford Police Department at 860-528-4401.