Ice Cream with a Cop

coffee with a cop

The next East Hartford Police Ice Cream with a Cop takes place from 12:00PM to 2:00PM on Wednesday, June 19th at Dairy Queen, 435 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut.  All are welcome.

First there was Coffee With A Cop, then Sandwich With A Cop.  Now that school will be out and warmer weather is here – why not Ice Cream With A Cop ? The East Hartford Police Department agrees, and is happy to announce this sweet expansion of our Community Outreach programs.  All community members are invited to join East Hartford Police Officers—over an ice cream cone—to discuss issues and learn more about each other.  There is no agenda, no speeches.  Talk about your neighborhood, ask questions, share concerns, or stop by just to chat. 

“We’re very excited to host this event once again.  Having opportunities like this to get together with the community strengthens communication and partnerships,” said Police Chief Scott Sansom.  “Positive relationships build trust.  It’s effective policing, which translates into safer communities,” Sansom added.  “What better way to spend some time with an officer and chat – than over an ice cream cone?  We encourage everyone to stop by, all are welcome.”