Lead Poisoning Prevention

Lead paint has been banned for use in house paints in the United States since 1978. However, homes built prior to 1978 may contain lead hazards in the form of peeling, flaking or chipping paint which creates lead dust. Young children are more likely to ingest lead dust by touching lead dust contaminated floors, toys etc. and then putting their hands in their mouth. 

Get Your Child Tested. Even if your young children seem healthy, ask your doctor to test them for lead. Connecticut law requires medical providers to test each child for lead at least twice before the age of 5. This is usually conducted at the 12 and 24 month well child visit. Resources for parents can be found here.

Healthy Eating Can Decrease Lead Levels in the Body

Resources for Addressing Lead Hazards:

Tips for Cleaning Lead Dust

Reducing Lead Hazards in the Home

Preventing Lead Dust Inside and Outside the Home

The Connecticut Children’s Healthy Homes Program has grant funds available to offset the costs of testing, abatement, relocation, and remediation of lead and other health hazards in the home.  A number of property owners in East Hartford have already enrolled in the program and received funds for their lead hazard reduction projects.  For more information about the program, including how to apply for funding, please visit the Healthy Homes Program website to learn more.

Additional Resources:

Lead Poisoning Prevention Overview

7 Facts About Lead Based Paint and Lead Dust

Lead in Drinking Water Fact Sheet