Want to manage your money better? Free workshops at the East Hartford Public Library

Free Money Management Workshops at the the East Hartford Public Library

The East Hartford Public Library will be offering financial management workshops this summer on Wednesday evenings in partnership with the Connecticut Money School (CMS).

The Connecticut Money School can help you set your best foot forward towards your financial goals. At the first workshop on June 28, learn about the “ABCs” of credit, everything you need to know about applying for credit and loans. On July 12, plan for your financial future with a workshop on saving money. On July 26, the topic will be managing your credit, identifying ways to build and repair your credit. On August 9, learn about financial resiliency, and steps to take towards economic security and stability. The series will conclude with a workshop on August 23 focusing on the keys and steps towards home ownership.

Choose the topics of interest to you, or register for the whole series. Registration is required, as space is limited. The programs are free and open to the public, and light refreshments will be served. Visit the East Hartford Public Library website for more information and to register: (www.easthartfordct.gov/library), or call the library at (860) 290-4329. 

Established in 2009 by the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS), the Connecticut Money School (CMS) is a program that recruits, trains, and assigns staff and volunteers to provide financial education workshops and financial coaching services for economically disadvantaged individuals and families across the state. The Connecticut Money School operates through partnerships with community-based organizations providing curriculum and resources tailed to the needs of the populations served by our partners. CMS is a “school without walls” that provides hundreds of financial education workshops and individualized financial coaching sessions for low-to-moderate income individuals and families across Connecticut.

The East Hartford Public Library is located at 840 Main St., East Hartford, CT.