Volunteers Needed for Mayor's Cleanup Day, September 12, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

(August 12, 2015) East Hartford, CT – With September quickly approaching, Mayor Marcia A. Leclerc urged all local youth groups, churches, organizations, civic clubs, businesses, and individuals today to register to volunteer and join her in an effort to clean up Main Street during her Annual Mayor’s Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 12, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Mayor’s Cleanup Day, an annual tradition, consists of community volunteers completing a “bridge-to-bridge” clean-up of Main Street and the “gateways” of East Hartford, tidying up, sweeping sidewalks, spreading mulch, cleaning, as well as planting flowers along Main Street from Main and Pitkin up through Main and Burnside. 

“This day will give all community stakeholders and volunteers a chance to rally together towards revitalizing and beautifying our town,” Mayor Leclerc said. “The more volunteers sign up for this effort, the more Main Street and East Hartford will benefit from the prideful tradition of Mayor’s Cleanup Day.”

On the morning of Mayor’s Cleanup Day, volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. on the Town Green, where they will sign in, as well as choose their task for the day. The town will provide all supplies for the day, but volunteers are permitted to bring their own work gloves, brooms or rakes, if they so choose. At the end of the work day, a celebratory lunch will be provided for all registered volunteers, to thank them for their service, a group photo will be taken and a community service participation certificate will be provided upon request.

Businesses and organizations interested in participating in Mayor’s Cleanup Day, but unable to make it from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. are still encouraged to help with the beautification efforts that day by working towards cleaning up their properties, street and storefront on September 12.

Local organizations, businesses, youth groups, individuals and civic clubs interested in volunteering are asked to contact the Mayor’s Office at 860-291-7200, or email jcarrero@easthartfordct.gov, to pre-register for the event.