Town of East Hartford Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

The Town of East Hartford has scheduled another Prescription Drug Take-Back Day which
will take place on Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the East
Hartford Public Safety Complex, located at 31 School St. This event is being sponsored by
the East Hartford Police, Fire, and Health Departments. The program offers citizens the
opportunity to safely discard unwanted, unused prescription drugs that have accumulated in
their households.

Residents are advised that the collection program is limited to prescription medications, pills,
capsules and caplets. Items which cannot be collected include: I.V. bags, epi-pens, patches,
gels, medications in tubes, liquids, and sharps (anything with a needle or lance).

“These events dramatically reduce the risk of prescription drug diversion and abuse, sickness
and hospitalizations attributable to inappropriate or outdated medication consumption and
environmental damage including groundwater contamination and non-point watercourse
pollution,” Mayor Marcia Leclerc said. “Medication disposal is a major public health and
safety concern.”