Summer Safety Tips from the Town of East Hartford

Don’t Keep Kids or Pets in the Car, Be Safe When Grilling, and Be Careful Around the Pool
Summer Safety Tips - Town of East Hartford

While summer is a time to rest and relax with families, some summertime activities can be dangerous. Please be mindful of the following information when planning your summertime activities.

Avoid leaving children or pets in parked cars, even for a minute. Children’s body temperatures can rise up to five times faster than that of an adult, and heatstroke can occur in temperatures as low as 57 degrees. On an 80-degree day, a car can reach deadly levels in just 10 minutes. Pets should also not be left in parked cars for any length of time. If you are using a gas or charcoal grill, make sure they are clean and safe to use.

Never use a grill inside a building and keep children away from hot surfaces. If you are using a charcoal grill, use care when lighting the coals. When you’re done, dispose of the coals in a metal container and leave the container outside. Coals that are even a day old can still hold heat. Do not place them in your garbage container or a paper bag. See the Fire Department’s website for more grilling safety tips.

When cooling off in the pool, ensure that children are always supervised by an adult. Stay within arm’s length of small children. If you are at the beach, consider life jackets for small children and inexperienced swimmers. Learning to swim, being vigilant when children are in the water, and never allowing anyone to swim alone are ways you can ensure a fun time.