Sandwich with a Cop-Tuesday, June 5,2018

Sandwich with a Cop, Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Positive interaction between the general public and law enforcement is something the East Hartford Police Department believes in. In the spirit of the successful community outreach program ‘Coffee With A Cop’, the East Hartford Police Department announces the next SANDWICH WITH A COP. All community members are invited to join East Hartford Police Officers—over a sandwich—for open conversation and to learn more about each other. There is no agenda, no speeches. Talk about your neighborhood, ask questions, share concerns, or stop by just to chat.

“One-on-one conversations between citizens and their police officers are the best way to build trust and mutual goals for communities,” said Police Chief Scott Sansom. “Having opportunities like this to get together in a non-emergency setting strengthens the ideal that police and people of the community are partners. The more we get to know each other, the more we build upon community trust and effective policing, which translates into safer communities,” Sansom added. “Everyone is welcome. Stop by during your lunch break for a visit. Say what’s on your mind, or just say hello – get to know us.”  

The next East Hartford Police Department’s ‘Sandwich With A Cop’ takes place from 11:00AM to 1:00PM on Tuesday, June 5that D’Angelo’s, 445 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut.