Recycle Plastic Wrap at Your Local Grocery!

Town Partners with Shop Rite of East Hartford to Offer Increased Recycling Options
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Did you know that plastic wrap like produce bags, shipping envelopes, newspaper bags, packaging, and drycleaning bags can't be recycled in your blue bins?

Did you know that you can recycle these items conveniently at your local grocery store?

WHAT: Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP) Kickoff
WHERE: Shoprite of East Hartford, 31 Main Street, East Hartford
WHEN: Thursday, August 17, 10:30AM

Join Mayor Marcia Leclerc, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and our own Department of Public Works as East Hartford rolls out a major new environmental sustainability initiative that dramatically increases the plastic recycling options available to residents. With this new program residents will be able to recycle plastic wrap that is not allowed in curbside recycling bins conveniently at local grocery stores. With this added recycling option, residents can now divert nearly all of their plastic waste from garbage to recycling.

 East Hartford is one of the first communities in Connecticut to partner with a local grocery store to expand plastic wrap recycling for residents. East Hartford is partnering with Shop Rite of East Hartford to provide a convenient, well-marked location at the store entrance. Additionally, residents can recycle plastic wrap at other stores and locations in the area.

East Hartford joins communities around the country and in Canada in the Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP), which expands the kinds of plastic residents can recycle at local retail grocery and home improvement stores to include plastic bags, plastic wraps like bread bags, bubble wrap, newspaper bags, overwrap around household products, case wrap around beverages and other household items, as well as dry cleaning bags and other plastic wraps or films.

For more information, visit the WRAP program webpage.

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