Potholes:What you should know, and how to report them.

As more people take to our roads, as a result of the nice weather, residents will begin to see the toll that the prolonged winter weather has taken on our roads. This problem is not only isolated here in East Hartford, but also across the state and region.


Why are there so many potholes?

Potholes are created as moisture seeps into the pavement, freezes, expands and then thaws. This weakens the pavement. Traffic loosens it even more, and it eventually crumbles and pops out.  Cold pavement on top of melting and evaporating ice creates air pockets that can eventually cause the pavement to break up. A winter of heavy snow and deep ground frost like the one we have just experienced followed by several freeze-thaw cycles as temperatures warm, have a significant impact to our roadways.

Why does it seem like they are not being fixed?

During the winter months, asphalt plants are closed and hot asphalt is not available until the spring.  In the meantime, we will typically use a material called “cold mix” which isn’t always as durable.  Unfortunately when conditions are cold or wet, this material doesn’t bond as well to the surrounding pavement as when conditions are dry and warm.   Fortunately we have been able to secure a limited supply of hot mix asphalt that is being made in small batches, and while hot mix is often a useful alternative, it is still limited in its application and success when ground temperatures remain cold and moisture is still present.  As a result, we have to address the same potholes multiple times as the patching does not always stick. Ultimately, our goal is safety, and Public Works tries to repair potholes as quickly as possible when they are brought to our attention. Roads with high traffic volumes are more prone to potholes due to their increased use.

How do I Report a Pothole?

Please report all potholes to the public works department so that we can add them to the list for repairs. It is imperative that we work together on reporting hazardous road conditions or potholes, with over 150 miles of roadway in East Hartford several sets of eyes are welcome.

What if i hit a pothole and damage my vehicle?

If you hit a pothole and experience damage to your vehicle, you may submit a damage claim with the Town Clerk. Claims are investigated on a case-by-case basis through the Corporations Counsel’s office and CIRMA. Investigators review the circumstances, the type and location of the pothole, determine if the town had been previously notified of the issue, and if crews had been given a reasonable amount of time to repair the pothole.  Also, some potholes are as a result of utility repair road cuts and may be the responsibility of the utility company or their contractor.  When this is the case, the Town will secure the area and notify the utility to make any necessary repairs. Damages as a result of their failed patch will be their responsibility and the Town can assist in obtaining the appropriate utility contact information to submit a claim.

Also please note that Silver Lane, Main Street,and Burnside Avenue are State Roads and claims and damage can be reported to the Connecticut Department of Transportation.

As a town, we are committed to ensuring that each and every one of our residents has the chance to drive without the stress of avoiding potholes. We work hard every day to ensure that our citizens are proud of the work that we put in to the roads of our town. Our Public Works staff does a very good job of responding to issues and over the coming months, we hope to alleviate every concern that citizens present to us.