Parks and Recreation Hosts Lifeguard Job Fair

lifeguard job fair

East Hartford Parks and Recreation would like to invite you to a Lifeguard Job Fair! The job fair will be held on March 28, 2019 from 6:30 to 8 PM at the East Hartford High School Pool.

Interested in a job as a lifeguard? Come to the Lifeguard Job Fair to learn about the certification course, talk with other lifeguards, try out some lifeguard skills (in-water skills are optional) and discover if lifeguarding is the right job for you! 

The job fair is open to anyone, ages 13 and up, who is interested in becoming a lifeguard. Interested candidates ages 15 and older may register for upcoming lifeguarding course and apply for current job openings. Pizza will be provided. For more information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 860-291-7160.