Mayor Leclerc's Holiday Message

east hartford holiday

This year our holidays will look different against the backdrop of a year that has challenged us emotionally, physically and collectively, and yet somehow we all have found the strength and fortitude to move forward, following safety protocols, pivoting and retooling our services, while finding new alternative ways to connect with family, friends and community to share in the traditions that have become so dear to us.

As a community we have been battling the COVID-19 pandemic for the majority of the year, since it first knocked on our doors in March. East Hartford has worked tirelessly to not only ensure continuity of town operations and critical services to our residents, but also identify additional services and assistance to aid our community.

Despite the challenges, our team of dedicated directors and employees made quick pivots to retool our service models for each department to meet our community needs under the constraints of the pandemic, offering our services remotely.

Throughout this year it was my priority to ensure the East Hartford community was well-informed about the variety of services available to them including providing free and accessible COVID-19 testing opportunities for all. Working in close collaboration with our local health agencies has provided ongoing and multiple testing locations with free, easy, targeted and convenient locations.

My heart is filled by the ongoing overwhelming community support and generosity that has fed and clothed our families in need, provided guidance navigating unemployment, connected residents to helping hands where kindness and compassion for one another has tempered the harshness and isolation of the pandemic, and for the Governor, Federal and State delegations, Town Council and BOE members who have collectively worked to provide protections, programs, support and education alternatives for our residents.

To our first responders and essential workers who have been called to action on the front lines, may we continue to keep them wrapped in the protection of our prayers for the work they do each and every day by placing themselves in the direct path of the disease for our assistance, protection and health.

As we plan for this holiday, please take the steps necessary to safeguard yourselves, your family and your coworkers by engaging in the recommendations to limit your holiday gathering to immediate family only, wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and follow all travel guidance.  We want you to remain healthy as we begin to step into a new year that is filled with hope and promise.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home.