Mayor Connor Martin Invites All for Community Cleanup Day

Mayor Connor Martin Invites All for Community Cleanup Day

East Hartford, CT— The Town of East Hartford invites residents, businesses, and community members to join Mayor Martin’s team for a Community Cleanup Day. This annual cleanup day celebrates pride in East Hartford and brings together members of the community to roll up their sleeves and help invest in our town. The Community Cleanup Day will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Volunteers should gather at Alumni Park (1021 Main Street) where they will be checked in and assigned cleanup tasks for the day. Examples of cleanup tasks include but are not limited to park cleanup, mulching flowerbeds, weeding, and planting. 

At the end of the cleanup day, lunch will be provided for all volunteers at Alumni Park.

Of the annual cleanup, Mayor Martin said, “This annual event is a great opportunity to connect with residents while investing in our community. It’s always a great time to dig in the dirt, clean up, and beautify our town because there’s a real sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. This is also a great opportunity to students needing community service hours, so we really encourage everyone to come out.”

All volunteers who sign up will be issued additional details closer to the event. Registration closes Friday, May 10th. Be sure to fill out the participation waiver in addition to the primary registration form. There is no scheduled rain date for this event.