June 27, 2019 - Lunch with the Mayor

lunch with the mayor

East Hartford, CT – East Hartford Mayor Marcia Leclerc would like to invite residents to the next “Lunch with the Mayor” that will be held on Thursday, June 27 at noon in the Welling Conference Room, Town Hall.

 “I hope East Hartford residents will join me for lunch on June 27 to ask any questions they might have, express concerns, share their vision or just have lunch and chat,” Mayor Leclerc said. 

These luncheon meetings are generally held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 12 p.m. in the Welling Conference Room, 2nd Floor at the Town Hall. This is a great opportunity for East Hartford residents to meet with the Mayor and discuss any questions or concerns they may have through an in-person, Q&A session. Each meeting will also include town updates from Mayor Leclerc as well as information and updates from various department directors.

Please Note: Lunch IS NOT provided. You can bring your own lunch.

All dates are subject to change. Any date changes will be posted on the Mayor’s webpage on the Town’s website prior to the meeting date and we encourage all residents who plan on attending the above scheduled meeting to contact the Mayor’s office at 860-291-7200 or check the website to confirm date and time.