East Hartford School Traffic Concerns Survey

East Hartford School Traffic Concerns Survey

East Hartford, CT—The East Hartford Mayor's Office has received numerous calls from residents regarding a reoccurring dangerous traffic situation at nearly every school at drop off and pick up times. These traffic concerns are related to unsafe parking on private and town property during drop off and pick up times that results in significant property damage as depicted in the picture below.

The Town has taken proactive measures to remediate the problem to no avail. With the help of the East Hartford Police Department, East Hartford has enhanced parking enforcement at all schools during drop off and pick up times, in addition to engaging in active discussions with PTOs and PTAs and sending regular reminders to parents and guardians through the school system to avoid parking on private and town property at pick up and drop off times. At this time, Mayor Michael P. Walsh is seeking input from the community with suggestions regarding possible solutions to the problem. Please take the survey below to help the Town identify the best and most desirable course of action.