Census Invitation to Respond

Census Will Mail Forms between March 12 and March 20

East Hartford, CT— The Town of East Hartford would like to remind all residents that the United States Census Bureau will be mailing out Census forms between March 12 and March 20 with an invitation to respond. It is critical for our community that all East Hartford residents are accounted for and we encourage you to take a few moments to answer the Census questionnaire.

“Historically some of East Hartford’s undercounted areas have included households with residents who live in renter-occupied housing, those who don’t speak English and families that fall below poverty level,’ said Mayor Marcia Leclerc. “It is critical that everyone gets counted in East Hartford in 2020 so that we don’t miss out on federal and state funding for instrumental programs that support our residents.”

Every 10 years, the United States Census Bureau attempts to count every individual in the nation to gather important data on our population, which provides the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually to support vital programs and services throughout the states, counties and communities.

The library serves as the hub of Census outreach activity for the Town of East Hartford. “We invite residents to visit the East Hartford Public Library to complete their Census forms on site, where our library staff can answer questions and provide support,” said library director Sarah Kline Morgan. “Reference staff can also be reached by phone during our open hours, at 860-290-4331.”

East Hartford gets anywhere between $450,000 to $500,000 under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) alone, which is one of the major federal programs that heavily relies on Census data to assist with housing rehabilitation for low-income homeowners as well as offer public services and community-facility improvements. Additional critical funding sources that rely on Census data include the Federal School Lunch Program, Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), energy assistance program for seniors, transportation and highway projects and many more. Inaccurate Census data will have significantly negative impacts on federal funds received by the Town, because for each undercounted individual East Hartford would lose over $2,000 in funding.

It is particularly critical for our community to maintain the population above 50,000 to ensure adequate receipt and distribution of state and federal funds.

Residents are encouraged to fill out their Census forms upon receipt. Census forms may be completed online, by phone, or by mail. Please complete your form, and help make sure that everyone counts in East Hartford this year.

For more information on the Census and guidance on how to fill out a Census form, please watch this video.