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Please Use Caution Around School Buses, Stop Signs and Schools
East Hartford Youth Services

East Hartford, CT – As schools begin on August 29 and children are ready to head back and kick off the new school year, the East Hartford Police Department would like to remind all drivers to use caution on the roads and stop when the lights on school buses are flashing red. According to the Connecticut State Law,  drivers must stop for school buses that are flashing red lights on all undivided highways whether they are approaching a school bus or are behind one. Failure to stop can cause serious consequences and carries fines for motorists starting at $465.00 for the first offense.

However, it is also important for children to entertain caution.

"As school starts up in the next couple of weeks, it is important for parents and guardians to remind their children about safety procedures around bus stops," Mayor Marcia A. Leclerc said. "Most accidents involving school buses take place while children enter or exit the school bus each day, so please take extra care when traveling behind or near a bus.”

According to the East Hartford Police Chief Scott Sansom there are a number of safety tips for children to remember:

  • Have a safe place to wait for the bus and enter and exit the bus away from traffic
  • Stay away from the bus until it comes to complete stop and the driver signals to enter
  •  When being dropped off, children should exit the bus and walk ahead of it before crossing in front as the bus driver can see them better
  •  Use the hand rails to enter and exit the bus
  •  Children should be aware of their surroundings and be extra careful while crossing the street
  • Children should always look both ways before crossing any street
  •  If children have questions regarding their safety or the behavior of other riders during their trip, they should bring their concerns to their parents, police, or school officials immediately to ensure the safety of all.

Over the next couple of weeks East Hartford Police Officers will be stepping up enforcement in school zones and bus routes to ensure that the motoring public is obeying traffic laws so our children can stay safe.