2016 Road Improvement Project - Public Input Meeting

2016 Road Improvement Program Public Informational Meeting

Public notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 the Town of East Hartford will hold a public information meeting on the roads included in the next phase of the Town’s multi-year Road Improvement Program.  The meeting will be held in the Town Council Chambers - Town Hall located at #740 Main Street and is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m.

The 2016 Construction Project is anticipated to include the following list of streets:

  1. Barbonsel Road
  2. Beech Street
  3. Brentmoor Road
  4. Clement Road
  5. Columbus Circle
  6. Columbus Street
  7. Donna Lane
  8. Earl Street
  1. Echo Lane
  2. Fairfield Street
  3. Garden Street
  4. Godar Terrace
  5. Gold Street
  6. Laurel Street
  7. Leonard Drive
  8. Melrose Street

The Town is commencing the final design process for these roads and is interested in the thoughts and suggestions of the public.  The actual scheduling of the work will depend on the ultimate repair type selected for each of the roadways.  If the preliminary type of repair needs to be modified, the work on a roadway may be shifted to a future phase of the project.

All residents, business owners, commuters and other interested individuals are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss this project.  If you have any questions, please call Nicholas Casparino, Civil Engineer at telephone number (860) 291-7382.