Daylight Savings Ends November 7

Daylight Savings Ends November 7
Daylight Savings Ends November 7

East Hartford, CT - It's almost time to fall back! Daylight Saving time will end on November 7, 2021. Please, make sure to change your clock an hour backward.

Additionally, Mayor Marcia Leclerc and the East Hartford Fire Department would like to remind all citizens to change batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The simple habit of changing your smoke detector battery when you change your clocks to daylight savings time will help protect your family.  

On November 7 , when you turn your clocks backward, take an extra minute to install fresh batteries into your smoke detectors.

“With working smoke detectors, injury and death to our loved ones is avoidable, so please take the time to do this quick, but important task,” said Mayor Marcia Leclerc.

According to the latest research, working smoke alarms cut the chance of dying in a fire in half. Meanwhile, three out of five fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. It is necessary to have a working smoke detector on each floor of the home, including the basement and outside sleeping areas in the home. To find out more about this and other fire prevention programs in East H.artford, please contact the East Hartford Fire Marshal’s Office at 860-291-7432