April 19, 2022 Update from the CRC Chair

April 19, 2022 CRC Update from the Chair

The Charter Revision Commission is entering the final phase of completing our report of recommendations that will be submitted to the Town Council.  The Commission continues to be grateful to the residents of East Hartford for their continued support and feedback, and we look forward to hearing additional feedback in the coming days.

This Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers we will be holding a public hearing to receive thoughts on the current draft report, which will be followed by a workshop where the Commission will officially resolve a few outstanding questions that remain before the report can be completed.  The goal is to then share the completed draft report and hear from our residents at a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday April 26th, also at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers before sending the finalized document to the Town Clerk.

We have engaged in an exhaustive process with a lot of thought, care and meaningful conversation as a Commission, and have sought in a bipartisan fashion to improve the government operations.  As Chair, I am proud of the work we have accomplished and look forward to sharing our recommendations which you can find on the website as part of the latest version of the working draft report here.