Reopen Connecticut: Updated Industry Rules Now Available

Please see the following message from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development:

While we have paused on the Phase 3 reopening of the state to protect the health of all of our residents, we have made some updates to our industry-specific rules after consulting with industry leaders and public health officials. 

These updates provide more specific guidance, as well as new recommendations for a broad range of sectors. Highlights include:

  • New rules for Indoor Recreation and expanded guidance for Outdoor Events.
  • Changes impacting Offices, Personal Services, Hair Salons & Barbershops, Retail, Libraries, etc.:
    • Non-essential businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask. 
    • In the event an employee tests positive for COVID-19, it is recommended the business implement a 24-hour passive decontamination and follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting. 
    • For bathrooms, the posting of signage encouraging reduced capacity and reminding individuals to wash their hands and wear masks is suggested.
  • Changes impacting Restaurants:
    • Servers are no longer required to wear gloves.
    • Indoor performances are now allowed (with the exception of musical vocalists).
  • Hotels are now permitted to provide non-essential services and amenities (e.g., valets, ice machines).

These and other sector-specific updates go into effect immediately. Businesses and non-profits that have already completed the self-certification process as part of Phases 1 or 2 do not need to re-register, but must comply with any new rules for their sector. 

Thank you for continuing to comply with these enhance protocols as we find new and better ways to get back to work safely.