Town Begins Annual Mosquito Control Program

Town Begins Annual Mosquito Control Program

(June 07, 2018) East Hartford, CT – The warm weather is back and so is the mosquito season. Once again the town has begun its annual mosquito control campaign, applying larvicide to known mosquito breeding grounds and preparing for truck-mounted spraying in affected local areas throughout the summer.

Due to an exceptionally wet spring, the mosquito infestation in East Hartford may be significant this season. However, the town is adjusting its mosquito control program accordingly and is prepared to continue to work with our vendor to minimize mosquito impact locally.

“Spring and summertime annually come with mosquitos, but The Town of East Hartford has the most aggressive mosquito control program in the region,” said Mayor Marcia A. Leclerc. “We firmly believe in taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of our residents and take strong steps to reduce mosquito populations.”

Leclerc said the town annually treats major watercourses and wetlands, along with drainage catch basins that are prime breeding areas for mosquitos. However, because the town does not spray private properties, residents are asked to assist the Health Department with reduction of mosquito breeding areas on their property. Some ways for residents to help the town control mosquito populations include removing sources of still water, which are prime mosquito breeding grounds. These sources include clogged gutters, tarps, tires, rain barrels, children’s toys, lawn ornament, flower pots and more. Those who own a pool that is not in operation or have standing water on their property that cannot be drained, may purchase ‘mosquito dunks’ containing larvicide from the Health Department for $10 for a pack of 20.

Such cooperation will help control mosquito populations in East Hartford and reduce the possibility of a threat from diseases like West Nile and Triple E Virus, which can be transmitted through a mosquito bite, because as little as a teaspoon of water left standing for more than four days will allow mosquitoes to begin their breeding cycle.

When it comes to personal safety, insect repellents are also a great option to avoid mosquito bites if you spend time outside in the evening. If you experience significant mosquito infestation call the Health Department at 860-291-7324. For information on recommended repellent options and/or for consumer reports visit or call the Health Department.