Patron Behavior Policy

Patron Behavior Policy – rev. October 2015

The library wishes to maintain a safe, comfortable environment for all users. Patrons should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Be respectful of all library property. Damaging, defacing, or misusing library materials, equipment, or facilities is not allowed.

  2. Treat others and their property with respect.

  3. The library is not responsible for personal belongings.

  4. Shoes and shirts must be worn in the building at all times. Hoods, hats, and jackets are to be removed upon request of the library staff. People may not wear costumes, masks, or anything that fully or partially obscures their facial features unless they are participants in a library-sponsored costume event, such as a children’s Halloween party or a CosPlay program.

  5. Food is not allowed in the library. Drinks must be in a spill-proof, covered container.The following is a full explanation of our food policy:

    “Please respect the library’s rules and do not eat in the building. Food waste in the building attracts insects and rodents; food stains furniture and carpets (we have already had a new upholstered chair damaged by grease) and people with severe food allergies should not be exposed to contagions in this building. The library is our place of business. We worked hard during the renovation to turn it into a welcoming and comfortable place, but that does not mean you can expect all the comforts of home. Please leave the building to eat your snacks and meals; library staff will ask you to leave if we find you with food. Drinks must be in re-sealable, spill proof containers. We are providing a space for you to study and work; we ask in return that you respect all of our policies. Thank you!”

  6. Parking areas, sidewalks, and lawns should be used safely and for their intended purposes. Vehicles parked improperly are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.

  7. Noise and activity should be kept at a level that does not disturb others. The use of cell phones and other audible electronic devices is limited to the front and side foyers, or outside the building. Please place your equipment in silent/vibrate mode while in the building.

The following are prohibited:

  • Offensive language, behavior, or any form of verbal or physical abuse;

  • Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, intoxication, possession of drugs and /or paraphernalia;

  • Intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing property;

  • Public urination and defecation;

  • Running, climbing on furniture, jumping on stairs, throwing objects;

  • Bicycling, roller skating, rollerblading, skateboarding, and heelies may not be used in the building or on our entry ramps and sidewalks. Bicycles are not to be brought into the building; they must be chained to the bike rack only, not the railings near the library entries.

  • Solicitation. This includes, but is not limited to posting notices without prior staff approval, petitioning on library property;

  • Photographing or videotaping within the library without permission from the director;

  • Sleeping in the library;

  • Animals, except for service animals;

  • Moving library furniture or equipment without permission;

  • Shaving, bathing, or laundering clothes in public restrooms;

  • Sexual activity, sexual harassment, or indecent exposure;

  • All conduct that is disruptive or confrontational towards staff or other patrons.

All staff have the authority to ask people who are violating these rules to leave the building. The severity of the situation will determine if people are given a verbal warning or are asked to leave. If the offender does not comply, the East Hartford Police will be called. Violations of our policy may require temporary removal or permanent ban of the offender from the library. Patrons are urged to report inappropriate behavior immediately so that staff may take appropriate action.